Chilly Willy's
Webpage Updates
~ 2024 ~
- Updated the main Music page to merge the mobile and desktop versions. Up next is updating each of the individual music pages. Also updated all comics scans and their covers to the webp image format resulting in the individual comics pages loading 40% faster ð [12/31/24]
- All individual comic pages have had their desktop and mobile versions merged. Also updated the formatting of the page numbers under each comic with a light grey transparent background to make them pop more on the page. [12/30/24]
- Almost done with updating the individual comics pages: 38 completed and only 10 to go. [12/29/24]
- Updated the page to view the Ice Wall. Considering the first entry was on 8/19/97, which is an impressive 27 years, 4 months, and 7 days ago (as of the date of this update post), I figured that time length should be calculated moving forward so guests can see exactly how long Chilly Willy fans have been signing the Ice Wall. [12/28/24]
- Past the halfway point in updating the individual comics pages: 26 done and only 22 to go. [12/27/24]
- 10 more of the individual comic pages have had their mobile and desktop versions of the site merged. That brings the total completed to 20 and just 28 more to go. [12/26/24]
- Merry Christmas ð. Updated 10 of the individual comic pages to merge the mobile and desktop versions of the site. [12/25/24]
- Updated the main Comics page to merge the mobile and desktop versions. Up next is updating each of the individual comics ð [12/24/24]
- All 93 video pages have been merged between mobile and desktop devices ð. I also upgraded the video quality of the Simpsons Clip. Enjoy!! [12/23/24]
- Merged the pages to Sign the Ice Wall and View the Ice Wall. Also merged this page (Webpage Updates) so I can finally make one update here as opposed to two separate updates for the desktop and mobile versions of the site. Oh, I also merged a few more of the videos. Only 38 more to go. [12/16/24]
- The desktop and mobile versions of both the classic Chilly Willy cartoons and 2020s cartoons have been merged. That's a total of 53 cartoons, leaving only 40 more to go. [12/15/24]
- I've merged the desktop and mobile versions of the first half of the classic Chilly Willy cartoons. That's 26 cartoons done and only 57 more cartoons to go before I'm done with the cartoons section of the site. [12/14/24]
- Huge updates for the site!! Mostly stuff on the backend that you can't see, but the gist is I'm merging the desktop and mobile versions of the site to one responsive page that will simply load properly to look good regardless of what device you're viewing the website from. This will effectively antiquate the "m." subdomain for the mobile version of the site, but it will be a much more streamlined user experience without any redirects like before. As a proof of concept, I've currently merged the main index page and the cartoons page (but not each individual cartoon page), so I'm super proud of what I've accomplished, but have a lot more work to go. [12/13/24]
- A little late for Halloween this year, but I uploaded a new Chilly Willy cartoon titled From Tusk Til Dawn where Chilly Willy is a vampire ð§. Enjoy!! [11/19/24]
- If you have any Chilly-related questions, a Chilly fan art piece you would like to share, etc, I've added a new form for sending a message to Chilly Willy. [6/21/24]
- Too many updates to list them all: menu items Video and Contribute changed to Cartoons and Support, removed the dependence on JQuery on the mobile cartoon pages so they load faster, added shading to buttons in the Cartoons and Comics pages, etc. Most important change is the mobile cartoon pages have finally been updated to the new format that details each cartoons' credits and is a much cleaner look. Many more updates still to come. [6/18/24]
- Updated the desktop version of the site with new headings on each page that "pop" more (yellow titles at the top). Many, many improvements & new content for the site coming soon ð [6/15/24]
- Updated the mobile version of the main videos page to the new layout. Now the mobile version of the videos page has categories for Classics, 2000s, 2020s, and Misc/Cameos. [4/10/24]
- Major changes: First other than a couple misc vids I still need to update, all the main Chilly Willy cartoon videos have been updated (still need to do the mobile version of the site, but that shouldn't take too long). I also uploaded a new cartoon short called Sled Friends and have 2 more brand new cartoons that will be uploaded soon. I also rehauled the desktop version of the videos page since what I was calling "Modern" was from the early 2000s and that's not exactly 'modern' anymore ðĪĢ. Now there's categories for Classics, 2000s, 2020s, and Misc/Cameos. [4/1/24]
- Only 15 or so more videos need to be updated on the desktop version of the site. I've barely started the mobile version, but it should proceed fairly quickly after having put in the work on the desktop side already. I also upgraded the 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' clip to a much better quality version and will be doing the same for many other video clips such as the Simpsons, Night at the Museum, etc. [3/31/24]
- The first 10 videos on both the desktop and mobile versions of the site have been updated to the new layout format with their improved 1080p versions ready for viewing ð. Only 82 more videos to go ð
Update: All videos can now be viewed in HD (1080p) at 60 fps ð, but I still have to update the layout format for some 80+ of them. [3/29/24]
- Just some behind-the-scenes work where I updated all of the videos from 480p to 1080p and uploaded them to the server. I still have to change each video page's coding to access the improved videos and that's going to take a couple weeks, but hey, progress is being made ð [3/28/24]
- I changed the order of the comics (which was originally just random ðĪŠ) to their release date, which makes a lot more sense. I'm also in the process of upgrading all of the videos from 480p to 1080p. [3/27/24]
- All comics have been updated to the new layout format. This is better for search engine optimization and more importantly looks better and provides you with more interesting info about each comic. I'm not sure yet if the next step will be adding new comics or updating the videos to the new layout format ðĪ. I'm probably going to do a little of both moving forward.
Update: To celebrate finally completing the comic updates, I added a new comic titled Bear Bait. [3/26/24]
- Another 10 comics updated for a total of 38 with only 9 more to go. [3/25/24]
- The first 28 comics have been updated to the new layout on both the desktop and mobile versions of the website and I must say it's looking really good. I am past the halfway point with only 19 more comics to be updated. I have also discovered that after I'm done updating all of the comics, apparently I have a LOT more Chilly Willy comics I have never even scanned. It'll take me a couple weeks, but many new Chilly Willy comics are on the way. [3/24/24]
- Added a new comic titled Icicle Bicycle. Since I've started working on the Chilly Willy Fan website again, my next step is to reformat the comics and video pages with the newer layout. [3/18/24]