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Webpage Updates

~ 2022 ~

  • Added a new comic titled Outsmarted. I also figured I'd try out the new layout for the video pages on today's new comic page and it looks good. That means after I finish updating all the video pages, I can go back and update all the comic pages too πŸ“–οΈ [4/4/22]

  • Along with many little tweaks for better search engine optimization, I'm just continuing the major update of adding credits to each of the video pages along with the cartoon's title card and any trivia that I may know of about that particular episode πŸ‘ [4/3/22]

  • There's a song by rapper A$AP Rocky titled Love$ick that mentions Chilly Willy the penguin and it has now been added to the Music page 🎡 [3/29/22]

  • Major update to each cartoon page, adding in credits and redesigning the layout. Also updating the cartoons to be listed in chronological order of their release date. This will take some time to complete. [3/28/22]

  • Added a new comic titled Wet Paint πŸ“–οΈ [3/21/22]

  • Added a new Classic Game that is a Quiz to warm Chilly up called Temp Quiz πŸ“–οΈ [3/20/22]

  • Added a new comic titled Frozen Flowers πŸ“–οΈ [3/19/22]

  • Added a new coloring page titled Oh My! 🎨️ [3/18/22]

  • Official Classic Games are now on the Drawing page. Connect-the-Dots, Jigsaw Puzzles, Paint-By-Numbers, and many more fun activities related to Chilly Willy are available to be printed out and enjoyed ✏️ [3/15/22]

  • It took me several days, but there's major update for you Chilly Willy fans. I have turned the Coloring Pages into a portal to black & white pictures of Chilly that you can color online. I have many more coloring pages to upload still πŸ§πŸŽ¨πŸ’™ [3/12/22]

  • Added a new comic titled Polar Pride πŸ“–οΈ [3/9/22]

  • Lots of changes to the Drawing page. It has been completely revamped with new content added like the Official Drawing Guide and much more content coming soon ✏️ [3/6/22]

  • It's been a little while since there was some new content so I fixed up the Voice Actor page and also added a new comic titled Twister Fixer πŸ“– [3/5/22]

  • The migration of to a new domain registrar and hosting company is complete. Now just lots of little bug fixes needed to work best in the new environment πŸ›  [3/2/22]

  • I'm going to apologize in advance for the upcoming problems. After 10+ years with GoDaddy webhosting, I'm migrating the site to HostGator. Without getting too technical, the reason is because GoDaddy has flaws in the way they handle wildcard SSL certificates that they have chosen not to resolve for several years now. Combine that with their overly expensive pricing scheme and it just makes sense to move. Unfortunately this may cause some potential downtime for over the next week or so. I consider it 1 step backwards for 3 steps forward though πŸ‘ [2/28/22]

  • Added a new episode to the Videos page titled Chilly Grilly. I have a couple more new vids coming in the next few days as well πŸ‘ [2/25/22]

  • Tweaked tons of background coding to make the whole site run more smoothly. Also added Premiere Performance to the Comics page πŸ“– [2/24/22]

  • Added Missing Lamp Mystery to the Comics page πŸ“– [2/23/22]

  • Added Grow Getters to the Comics page πŸ“– [2/22/22]

  • Added 6 comics to the Comics page: Mystery Catch, Snowball Fight, Broken Glass Mystery, Vanquished Visitor, In the Drink, and Safety Fishing πŸ“– [2/21/22]

  • Added Stick-To-Itiveness to the Comics page πŸ“– [2/20/22]

  • Added Solo Catch to the Comics page πŸ“– [2/16/22]

  • Added the Classic Closing songs to the Music page 🎡 [2/15/22]

  • Added the Classic Opening songs to the Music page. These are all instrumentals, so no lyrics to sing along with, but they're still very fun 🎡 [2/14/22]

  • The Music page has been converted to a portal page for all of the songs posted so far. I currently have 3 songs available and synced to their lyrics: Popular Theme, Chiller Dillers, and a Chilly Polka song. I plan on having 10 songs altogether for the page when done πŸ‘ [2/13/22]

  • The Music page has been updated. The music syncs to the lyrics so now you can sing along with Chilly Willy 🀩
    I only have one song posted and I have quite a few more so look for future updates to the Music page. [2/12/22]

  • The Ice Wall Map is up and running. Still needs quite a few tweaks before I'll be fully satisfied with it, but you can now find your fellow Chilly Willy fans around the whole world‼️ Pretty amazing to see Chilly fans spanning the entire globe 🌍 [2/11/22]

  • As promised, the mobile version of this site has seen some major layout & navigation improvements. Hopefully it's much easier now to navigate so you can enjoy the Chilly Willy content better. Still a couple pages that require the new navigation layout applied to them. I'll update those last couple of pages in the next day or so. Enjoy! πŸ‘ [2/11/22]

  • Added a custom scrollbar for the desktop version of the site so it fits better with the color scheme. I know the desktop version seems to be getting all the love lately, but I promise you the mobile version has some major plans in the works and will be coming very soon. Enjoy πŸ˜ƒ [2/10/22]

  • The layout for the desktop version of the site has received a long overdue major redesign with the navigation bar moving vertically to the left side. There's still a decent number of pages that needed to be tweaked a bit to get them in line with the others in terms of appearance, but I'll get to those over the next few days. I have a plan to totally redesign the layout for the mobile version as well, so that will be coming very soon. Lastly, I have a very cute idea for the audio page that I've already tested and it works, so that will also be rolling out soon. So many good things on their way πŸ‘ [2/10/22]

  • 2 new comics added: Troublesome Twosome & Friendly Holdup. Enjoy πŸ˜ƒ [2/8/22]

  • Fixed the Ice Wall so that you can sign with emojis and they are displayed properly. You can even search the Ice Wall for emojis 🐧🧑 [2/6/22]

  • New comic added: Origin Story. This is Chilly Willy's second appearance ever and explains the backstory as to why he dislikes the cold so much πŸ₯Ά [2/5/22]

  • New comic added: On the Move. Enjoy πŸ˜ƒ [2/3/22]

  • 6 new comics have been added: Copycat Cure, Fit to Fight, Rescue Patrol, Thawing Out, Phantom Painter, & Sky-High Guy. Enjoy πŸ˜ƒ [2/2/22]

  • I have repaired the coding so that once again the Ice Wall is able to be signed, viewed, and searched on mobile devices πŸ˜„ [1/31/22]

  • Going through my comic collection, it turns out I have about 3 dozen or so new Chilly Willy comics that for some reason I never even scanned. Lots more Chilly comics will be coming soon 😍 [1/30/22]

  • While I'm not done setting up the new pages for the Comics section, I like the new layout so much that I've decided to publish what I have so far anyways. There are a few broken links, but they will go away as I code new pages for the comics. I have also added a new comic titled Good Trade for your enjoyment πŸ‘ [1/30/22]
    *Sidenote: Some of the comics were scanned many years ago and as such aren't the best of quality. I will be re-scanning those during the 2022 summer for better quality.

  • I am in the process of making a huge update to that's going to take me a little while to complete. It will involve making 84 new pages and some graphics to go along with the new pages. If you're curious what I'm working on, here's a big hint 😁 [1/29/22]

  • I have updated the coding for all 91 Chilly Willy videos so they can be watched again on mobile devices‼️ πŸ“±πŸ‘€ [1/27/22]

  • I repaired the coding for 53 mobile videos so far out of the total of 91, leaving me just 38 more mobile videos to fix. I have also added a drop shadow to the year up above on the Headlines page to give it a little more prominence πŸ˜€ [1/26/22]

  • is now a secure site. If you look at the address bar along the top you should see a lock icon (πŸ”’) indicating it is secured. This means all traffic is now encrpyted by SSL. Why was this done? It means your data is more secure when viewing site, it will prevent attackers from creating a fake version of this site, it conveys trust to Chilly Willy fans, and lastly it helps with SEO (search engine optimization) πŸ‘ [1/26/22]

  • It was brought to my attention by a fellow Chilly Willy fan (*thanks*) that the mobile version of this site is in dire need of code revisions as well. The Ice Wall and most of the videos aren't working properly on mobile. Those both will be fully working soon, and to get that ball rolling, I have updated the mobile coding for 9 mobile videos: Chiller Dillers, I'm Cold, Legend of Rockabye Point, Half-Baked Alaska, Hot & Cold Penguin, Operation Cold Feet, Hold That Rock, Big Snooze, & Airlift A La Carte. That's 9 mobile vids down and only 82 more to go 🀣 [1/26/22]

  • I updated signing the Ice Wall with a Google recaptcha that runs in the background and makes sure no bots are able to sign the Ice Wall. [1/25/22]

  • My apologies to any Chilly Willy fans who tried to sign the Ice Wall in the last few weeks and were unable to do so. The good news is the Ice Wall is once again back up and running. I have even added an "Other" category for Gender from feedback received from Chilly Willy fans. [1/24/22]

  • I have managed to get the Ice Wall and Search page for the Ice Wall up and running. I've even been able to make a couple of overall improvements to the site here and there. I actually have a decent bit of content to add to the site, but that's down the line after repairs are completed and the site is fully functioning. Hopefully it shouldn't take me too long on these coding repairs! πŸ‘ [1/17/22]

  • It has been quite some time since I have updated Chilly Willy Family and work will do that to you. This update is out of necessity because GoDaddy migrated my site to a new server which is causing wide-spread coding issues. I'm in the process of repairing the coding while at the same time modernizing the site for a more clean look. If an element of the site isn't working properly, please be patient with me as I work my way through my list of corrections needed. Thanks and Enjoy! [1/15/22]

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