Chilly Willy's
Webpage Updates
~ 2012 ~
- Apple mobile device owners, 56 Chilly Willy cartoons are viewable on your device. Only 33 more to go. Enjoy!
- Apple mobile device owners, you can now view the first 10 classic Chilly Willy cartoons on your device. Only 79 more to go. Enjoy!
- Updated to load faster (specifically the Facebook 'Like' button now loads asynchronously, if that means anything to you). Enjoy!
- Fixing the videos so they can be viewed from iPads, iPhones, etc. This should be completed in the next day or two. Enjoy!
- I added commas to the view counts for the videos so they are easier to read. Enjoy!
- The mobile version of is up and running. Enjoy!
- Updated the Merchandise page. I make zero money from any sales or for directing you to these sites. The Merchandise page is simply so you have an easy way of finding some fun Chilly Willy stuff to buy. Enjoy!
- Updated the homage page to Chilly Willy's Voice Actor, Daws Butler. Enjoy!
- Updated the homage page to Chilly Willy's Creator, Walter Lantz. Enjoy!
- Working on a mobile version of Chilly Willy It is roughly 70% complete and will be finished in the next week or two. Enjoy!
- I realized I messed up 4 of the links on the Video page so you were not able to watch those episodes. Oops. They're fixed now so every Chilly Willy episode is now available. Enjoy!
- Improved the branding of the site by changing all of the images at the top from "Chilly Willy's Sub-Arctic World" to "Chilly Willy" Enjoy!
- I updated the Ice Wall to a much nicer means of going from one page to another. It looks so much better than it was before. Enjoy!
- I updated the numbers being used for the counter on the home page. They're now a little bigger and more fun looking. Enjoy!
- Added two new comics to the Comics page. They are titled
Cool Man and Surf Sledding. I also uploaded a much better quality version of Cover 3. Enjoy!
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled Private Fishing. Enjoy!
- I have updated Chilly's Drawing Board with the Video Guides. Enjoy!
- Chilly's Drawing Board has been updated. Still have to make the Fan Submissions and Video Guides available (those should be coming sometime towards the end of this week), but the official guide is now up. Enjoy!
- No real update for you. Lots of comics still to scan, but that has taken a back seat to my current project. I'm working on fixing up Chilly's Drawing Board with a huge overhaul to the page and lots of good material related to drawing Chilly Willy in the works.
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled Growing Pains. Also updated one of the comics titled Snow Igloo to a much higher resolution image. Enjoy!
- Updated several of the comics on the Comics page to much higher resolution images. Titles updated were Cover 6, Snowball Fight, and Ice Fishing. Enjoy!
- Layout change once more to the Videos page. Now the preview image displays right next to the link you are hovering over to give you a preview for each episode. Enjoy!
- Updated the Videos page to display a preview image for each episode. New layout looks good. Enjoy!
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled Hot Idea. Enjoy!
- Added to the Music page the sheet music to the Chilly Willy Polka in a one page (standard 8.5 x 11) printable pdf so that those of you Chilly Willy fans who have some musical talent can enjoy this.
- Added two new comics to the Comics page titled Big Catch and Fruit Feast. That officially brings the comic count to 50 and growing. Enjoy!
- Modified the layout of the Comics page to accommodate that there are many more comics to be scanned still. Also I added a new comic to the Comics page titled Cold Crop. Enjoy!
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled Texas Bound. Enjoy!
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled Grounded Penguin. Enjoy!
- Added five new comics to the Comics page titled A Lot of Dough, Babysit, Thermometer, Danger Sled, and Snowball. Enjoy!
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled Icicle Bicycle. Enjoy!
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled Sweeper-Keeper. Enjoy!
- Facebook 'Likes' are back to around 500 again. Apparently Facebook all of a sudden decided to draw a distinction between [] and []. Odd, but not worth pursuing. Problem solved.
- Not sure what happened exactly, but the Facebook 'Likes' went from close to 500 to 214. I'm fairly certain there was not a mass disliking of Chilly Willy all of a sudden, so most likely what happened is Facebook's database screwed up and lost a lot of entries. Hopefully I can get them to resolve this issue. In the meantime, if you want to click that 'Like' button again to help rebuild the number, it's greatly appreciated. Thanks!
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled The Astronomers. Enjoy!
- Fixed the layout on the Comics page so that it works not just in Firefox and Chrome, but also in Internet Explorer and any other browser as well. I also added another new comic titled Snafued Snowshoes to the Comics page. Enjoy!
- Added a new comic titled Water Boy to the Comics page. Enjoy!
- Work on the Comics page layout is coming along nicely. Layout work should be done this weekend. I have a dozen or so more comics to scan in for you and would also like to re-scan the older comics since some of those were scanned over a decade ago and I have a much better scanner now.
- I'm in the process of updating the Comics page to a nicer design.
- 15 years ago today was my first guestbook entry on the Ice Wall. 7,153 entries later and the Ice Wall on is still going strong. If you do the math, that averages out to 1.3 people signing the Ice Wall every single day for the last 15 years. Thanks so much everybody for supporting Chilly Willy and being a fan of this cute little penguin.
- Redesigned the layout of the Comics page just a bit to fit more comics onto there. This was necessary for the 20 or so new comics I have planned for Enjoy!
- Added a new comic to the Comics page titled The Expert. This is a good quality scan and very readable. Enjoy!
- Kinda interesting update. I found a website [] that archives other websites. They had backups of my Chilly Willy site going all way back to Feb 1999 when it was still on [], which is pretty fun, but the point is that I found my webpage updates for 2000 - 2004, which I thought were gone forever. This Chilly Willy site actually started in 1995, but unfortunately I wasn't recording the changes to the site until 2000. If you want to see how has developed over the years starting all the way back in 2000, now you can.
- Updated the Freebies page. Still a bit of work to do on it, but it no longer looks like it was designed in the mid 90's and looks much more modern and stylish. Enjoy!
- Added a new page that has a hockey game starring Chilly Willy. Enjoy!
- Updated the Comics page. The layout looks really good. I scanned those comics over a decade ago though, so the next step for the Comics page is to go back and rescan all of the comics for a better quality image. I have quite a few comics that I never even scanned, so new comics will be coming soon also. Enjoy!
- I have been providing Chilly Willy cartoons to the world free of charge for going on 17 years now and will continue providing them for free forever. To help offset the cost of running this site though I have added a secure Paypal 'Donate' button to every page. If you enjoy all the great Chilly Willy cartoons I maintain here, have the means, and are so inclined, I greatly appreciate any kind donation. I pay out of my own pocket to provide this site to you and when you consider I've been running this site for 17 years now, that adds up to quite a pretty penny. Factor in also the hundreds of hours of time I've spent designing and improving upon this site over the last 17 years and the total cost to me to run this site is quite substantial. I finally put ads on just a bit over a year ago and they help a little, but on average they don't even cover the costs to run this site month-to-month. Again, if you enjoy all the hard work I put in for you to enjoy Chilly Willy, I appreciate any kindness you can send my way. Thank you.
- The Music page has been updated. Quite proud of the layout. Enjoy!
- Yea! The website redesign has been put in place! You can see a brand new, spiffy navigation system along the top. Most of my work to this point has focused primarily on the Chilly Willy videos and they are looking fantastic! 30 of the classic cartoons have had their quality improved immensely. Also, there were approximately 8 of the modern cartoons that I did not have at all that are now online for your viewing pleasure. More work is still needed on the site since I only fixed up the videos, so further updates are in the works. Enjoy!
- Ice Wall is finally up and running again. Yea! Please take a moment and sign Chilly Willy's Ice Wall.
- I was wondering why no one has signed the Ice Wall in over 2 weeks. Apparently it decided to stop working for no reason at all. I apologize to anyone who attempted to sign the Ice Wall and were denied. I'm in the process of fixing it and updating it to be a little cooler as well. I anticipate the Ice Wall to be up and running once more either tonight or tomorrow night at the latest.
- Much better quality version of Legend of Rockabye Point uploaded to the video section. Enjoy! Also, the big video section update is progressing nicely and all will be revealed soon
- Updated the episode Bait & Hook to a much cleaner copy that is easier on the eyes. Also, BIG changes in the works for the Video section. More news to come in the near future.
- ...And another new Chilly Willy episode I present to you. This one is titled A Chilly Hockey Star. Enjoy!
- Let the good times keep rollin'. Another new Chilly episode titled A Chilly Party Crasher. Enjoy!
- A new day and a new episode of Chilly Willy for your viewing pleasure. This latest one is titled A Chilly Cliffhanger. Enjoy!
- Another new Chilly Willy Cartoon has been added. This newest episode is A Chilly Amusement Park. Enjoy!
- It's been a while, but I finally have a new episode for the Videos section. The new Chilly Willy cartoon is titled Chilly Solar Wars.
- Updated the Chilly Willy Tattoo Pictures section with 2 new tattoo pics sent to me by Emily Hawkins. Thanks so much Emily. Love it.