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~ 2010 ~

  • Added a Facebook "Like" button (in the top left corner) so you can share your enjoyment of Chilly Willy with all of your friends.

    Looking back on my last update, life has distracted me and I completely forgot I have several new Chilly Willy episodes to upload. Will get those up and running very soon. [10/26/10]

  • Good news, everybody! I managed to acquire 4 brand new episodes of Chilly Willy from the Fox Kids 1990's run of the New Adventures of Woody Woodpecker. The new episodes are titled Chilly Lilly, Cajun Chilly, A Chilly Spy and Chilly On Ice. I will be uploading them to the website any day now.

    The only problem with the new episodes is that they are all in spanish and I sadly cannot speak spanish. I have a request of my fellow Chilly Willy fans that can also speak spanish: Please email me if you are willing to translate the new episodes from spanish into english and type up the translation in a text file. That way I can add subtitles to the new episodes for everyone to enjoy. You will receive credit for your translation work on both the Chilly Willy website as well as having your name (or nickname if you prefer) appear in the actual video. Just think about it, your name will be seen by thousands of Chilly Willy fans in an actual Chilly Willy cartoon! Thanks in advance to the helpful person who wants to be immortalized in a Chilly Willy cartoon. [7/18/10]

  • Changed the Ice Wall signing process for gender from a drop-down selection to radio buttons to make it easier for people to choose the correct gender and avoid choosing the wrong gender (#1 reason for people re-signing the Ice Wall). [1/26/10]

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