In the process of updating the coding for when the Ice Wall is signed to make it easier. I will also soon be doing a fairly large update to add more Chilly Willy content to the site. [10/25/09]
A few years back a Chilly Willy fan had emailed me asking for a earch engine feature for the Ice Wall. Well, now that the Ice Wall is nearing 5000 entries, I decided to put up that requested search feature. Now you can answer these age-old questions: How many Chilly Willy fans have the same favorite color as you? How many people from various countries are Chilly Willy fans? The list of questions you can now answer goes on and on... [8/28/09]
It has been a looong time since I updated the site (approximately 9 months), so I thought 'no time like the present' and added 9 new tattoo pictures.
Updates will be occurring much more regularly from now on. [2/27/09]