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~ 2008 ~

  • I came to the realization today that an update I made back in Dec of '07 to the script coding for the Ice Wall has lead to every entry on the Ice Wall over the last several months being changed to lowercase. I apologize to everyone who signed my guestbook and did not appreciate seeing their Ice Wall entry grammatically incorrect. Rest assured the coding has been fixed and all future Ice Wall entries will appear in the exact case that you typed. [5/12/08]

  • Any Chilly Willy fans out there own a Nintendo Wii? If you would like to exchange friend codes with me, my Wii code is:
    7454 - 6887 - 4920 - 3096

    Email me your system friend code and we can game together.

  • Added descriptions to all of the episodes in the Video Den (no more "Description coming soon"). I also learned that while I have all of the classic episodes, I am missing a total of 14 episodes from the contemporary ones. I will add the missing episode titles to the Video Den and I will work to secure those episodes for your enjoyment. Lastly at some point in the near future I will update the contemporary Video Den episodes to be sorted by the year they were released. [4/11/08]

  • More than a few of the episodes in the Video Den were never given a description and instead simply say "Description coming soon." Well, some of those episodes have been watched over 2000 times without a description. The next order of business is to get a description up for every episode in the Video Den. [2/5/08]

  • I am in the process of converting all of the Video Den files to the iPod Video format. Once I am done you will have a choice of either watching Chilly Willy on your computer or taking Chilly Willy with you wherever you go on your iPod Video (assuming of course you have one). If any of you are interested in Chilly Willy videos in the Zune format, email me to let me know. [1/31/08]

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