Chilly Willy's
Webpage Updates
~ 2006 ~
- Any Chilly Willy fans out there own a Nintendo Wii? If you would like to exchange Miis with me, my Wii code is 7454-6887-4920-3096. Email me your system code

- Added a feature to the Ice Wall whereby now if the swear word filter is activated from someone using inappropriate language, entry onto the Ice Wall is blocked until I personally review the entry. [11/17/06]
- New & improved Ice Wall is up and running. Now an image code is required to be entered before being placed onto the Ice Wall. This was needed because more and more I was finding automated computer scripts signing the Ice Wall with spam messages that had nothing to do with Chilly whatsoever. [9/23/06]
- In the process of implementing a CAPTCHA for the Ice Wall. A CAPTCHA is where you have to type in the letters from the picture to verify that you are a human signing the Ice Wall and not some automated computer script (I've been having some problems lately w/ automated computer scripts). It looks pretty good and almost fully works, but it's not working 100% yet. I will finish it this coming weekend. [9/22/06]
- Nothing new related to Chilly Willy, but I did update a lot of the pics in the my personal photos section. [7/15/06]
- Happy 4th of July to everyone!
This Chilly Willy site has existed in various forms since 1995, but I've only been tracking the statistics for the site since February of 2005. I just wanted to give you a breakdown of how much bandwidth this site has gone through since I started tracking the stats. I provided a chart below for you. First off, I have no clue why October is so huge. Secondly, pay attention to the yellow highlighted number in the bottom right. Yep, this site has gone through 1.3 TERABYTES of bandwidth! Simply amazing!! I thank you all for keeping Chilly alive. [7/4/06]
- Added a new episode to the Video Den titled Chilly & Hungry. Only three episodes to go and then every Chilly Willy episode ever made will we be in the Video Den. Yea!
[6/17/06] If anyone has a copy of A Chilly Spy, Cajun Chilly, or Chilly Lilly please send it to 
- Added two new categories to the Photo Album: Public Appearances & Fan Art. This brings the new Photo Album picture count up to 77.
- The new & improved Photo Album is now up and running. I only have two categories available so far: Black & White and Tattoos. More categories will be added in my spare time with the plan of it being finished by the end of summer at the latest. Links to the old Photo Album are at the bottom of the new Photo Album page to see the original 444 pictures still. Speaking of the Tattoo section earlier, Chilly fans sign the Ice Wall so often saying they have a tattoo of Chilly Willy. Well, send me a pic! I would love to post it! I also have as of this afternoon a copy of Chilly & Hungry, but it is not uploaded just yet (sometime this weekend). Now I am only missing one single episode to have a complete Chilly Willy collection. Too cool!
- I am setting it up with a fellow Chilly Willy fan to secure Chilly & Hungry, one of the only two remaining episodes not in the collection. Very exciting! I finally got smart today and started batch processing some custom actions and then batch renaming files in Photoshop (3 points if you understand that) to speed up this process of getting the new & improved Photo Album up and running. I plan on having it completed by the end of this summer at the latest, but it will be uploaded for you in a somewhat diminshed fashion possibly by this coming weekend. [6/13/06]
- Added a new episode to the Video Den. This latest one is titled Freeze-Dried Chilly. Enjoy!
- Another new episode has been added to the Video Den. This latest one is titled Chilly To Go. Enjoy!
- Updated the site in an important, but unseen way. Google and other search engines like to take a "snapshot" of pages they visit and store that picture in what is called their cache. This means that they save the page contents forever exactly as it is despite any changes I may make later. This is important because someone may want their name removed from the Ice Wall due to whatever circumstances in their life are requiring them to all of a sudden take a low profile. The problem is that Google and other search engines keep all of that information for display to the whole world regardless of me deleting their name from the page on my end. To solve this I have added particular coding so that from now on the Ice Wall cannot be cached by any search engines. [3/23/06]
- Added another new episode to the Video Den titled Bait & Hook. This brings the total running time of Chilly Willy episodes available on this site to over 6 hours. Enjoy!
- Added another new episode to the Video Den. This one is titled Endangered Chilly. More new episodes still to come in the days ahead.
- Added a new episode to the Video Den titled Chilly Blue Yonder. Still more new episodes are on their way.
- Added three new episodes to the Video Den! Zoom-a To Montezooma is a brand new episode to the Video Den. The Big Snooze and Chilly's Cold War are actually old episodes that have been offline for almost a year now since I was missing the endings to both of them. These two new versions now have the endings on them. The Big Snooze is also of much better quality as well. More brand new episodes still to come. Enjoy!
- Updated the Headlines section by breaking down past update announcements into the respective year that the update was done. I've saved updates going back to 2004, but any update announcements prior to 2004 have unfortunately been deleted sometime in the last couple of years. This site has been up and running in various formats since 1995 (I can only document that fact back to 1997 though. Check out the oldest entries on the Ice Wall.), so that's a lot of update announcements lost. Oh well, onward and upward
- Just wanted to point out the milestone for this site. The counter on the main page has now surpassed 500,000. Wow! Over a half million hits to the site! Chilly is grateful and thanks all of his fans.
- Video Den received a major overhaul. First off, it probably won't ever need to be closed again since I had a bump in my bandwidth limit from 100 gigs to 250 gigabytes. I also have seven brand new episodes you can expect to be available in a week or so. The Video Den layout has also been revamped with a new design, production year information added and a reshuffling of the episodes to reflect their year of production. Enjoy!
- The Video Den is back up and running with loads of full episodes of your favorite penguin Chilly Willy available for FREE downloading. Enjoy!
- The Video Den needs to be shut down once more due to bandwidth limitations. We're currently at 94.4 gigabytes out of a 100 gigabyte monthly limit. I let it slide a little longer compared to last month to allow everyone to keep downloading until we got just a little closer to our limit. The Video Den will open
- Happy New Year's all! The Video Den is back up and running with loads of full episodes of your favorite penguin Chilly Willy available for FREE downloading. Enjoy!