Chilly Willy's
Webpage Updates
~ 2005 ~
- Video Den is closed until January 1, 2006 due to bandwidth limitations. We're at 85+ gigabytes as of this posting with a 100 gigabyte limit for the month. Thanks for your patience and understanding. [12/23/05]
- Video Den is back up and running. The final bandwidth count for last month was a hair under 130 gigabytes. That is absolutely huge (it over doubles the previous high bandwidth count of 62 gigabytes set in August '05)! Since my bandwidth limit is 100 gigabytes/month, I'm not sure if I'll be charged extra or what the deal is. Since I take in absolutely no money whatsoever from this site, but pay for everything related to the site personally myself, in subsequent months, if the bandwidth gets close to around 90 GB or so, I will be forced to shut down the Video Den again until the 1st of the next month. Thanks everyone for your understanding on this matter.
- I'm currently in the process of trying to set up a free downloadable ringtone of the Chilly Willy Theme song! How cool is that?
On a sidenote, the Video Den is closed until the first of November 2005 due to this site getting just too darn popular. An average month on this site sees around 55 GB of bandwidth with my highest being 62 GB. This month still has six more days left and I'm already over 95 GB this month. WOW! Seeing as how my limit is 100 GB, sadly I must close down the biggest source of bandwidth (the Video Den) until the start of next month when the bandwidth counter resets itself. [10/25/05]
- It's been a while since an update. Sorry about that. After at least two years of delays, the Drawing Board is officially up and running. I only have the first 4 steps down (Chilly's hat), but I have all the content planned out and the pictures set, so it's just a matter of coding more steps in for you. Expect it to be finished late Tuesday, 9-27-05.
- Main page was down for a bit today. Changed the counter to a different php script so it should be more stable. For some reason the old counter worked fine for a month, then just quit on me. Go figure. Anyways, not much has been done to the site, but I have a small amount of free time that I can use to work on the site, so expect new stuff to be coming very soon.
- You won't see a difference, but I updated the counter on the main page to connect to a database instead of just a text file. This way it is much more secure and stable. For some odd reason the old counter would occasionally reset itself and I'd have to update it back to the current hit number. After having gathered close to half a million hits over the years, I don't like to see it back at 0 again. Now it will stay accurate. [5/11/05]
- Uploaded a new episode to the Video Den titled Project Reject. Once the two videos that are being worked on are finished and back online, the entire Chilly Willy episode collection will be complete. Yea!
- Uploaded a new episode to the Video Den titled Highway Hecklers. Enjoy!
- Uploaded the episode Gooney's Goofy Landings to the Video Den. This episode isn't new to the Video Den, but the old version had a messed up ending that was part of the original source video. Now I have a new source video with a clean ending. So download and enjoy this episode once more and watch it through to the end. [5/3/05]
- Uploaded 2 new episodes to the Video Den titled Polar Fright and Operation Shanghai. Also, 2 more brand new episodes and 2 older episodes that have been repaired will be uploaded to the Video Den very soon. Enjoy!

- Uploaded much better quality versions of 6 episodes to the Video Den: Chilly Chums, Fish & Chips, Fish Hooked, Pesky Pelican, St. Moritz Blitz, and Swiss Miss-Fit. Also, the audio/video synchronization has been fixed for episode Chilly Reception. Enjoy!
- If a fellow Chilly fan I've met comes through for me on an episode trade we set up, in a matter of days the entire Chilly Willy episode collection will be complete and the whole set will be available for download in the Video Den.
- Uploaded a much better quality version of everybody's favorite Chilly Willy episode, Half-Baked Alaska, to the Video Den. Enjoy!
- Uploaded 7 new comics to the Comic Library. Also, I have aproximately 13 more comics to upload still. Enjoy!
- I have approximately 10 new comics I will be adding to the Comic Library over this coming weekend. Enjoy!
- Well, it took me long enough, but there's finally a new episode in the Video Den and it is titled Polar Pests. Enjoy!
- O'kay, so I lied. I did a couple of really small updates. Reduced the file sizes of some of the navigation pics in the left frame so they'll load faster. Also I used Photoshop and made an 'icy' font for the Ice Wall links and gave them a cool hover effect
- I'm changing from my current webhosting company (, an excellent company) to I have no problem with FuitadNET except for the fact that the my bandwidth limit with them was 40GB, which was reached typically around the 20th of every month and I then had to shut down the Video Den. GoDaddy's bandwidth limit is 100GB for a cheaper price. Talk about your win-win situations!
I won't be updating the site until the transfer is complete, which should hopefully be any day now. [2/15/05]
- Nothing really new to report for your end other than some really cool updates in the works for you. On my end, I've been going through the time-consuming process of updating the Photo Album. That means sending each pic through Photoshop for a quality & size improvement. When you have approx. 600+ pics, this step takes time. Once that's done, I will upload the redesigned Photo Album for your enjoyment. I'm working as fast as I can in my free time b/c there are sooo many cute pics you still haven't seen yet.
The Video Den will have several new episodes for you soon that are either brand new to the site or much better quality versions of existing vids on the site. I'm currently working on getting the audio and video feeds to synch up. This means that as someone talks, their mouths move to the timing of the words being said. The new vids should hopefully be up as soon as possible. Still lots of content on the site for your enjoyment, and so much more in the works, so stay frosty. [1/30/05]