Chilly Willy's
Webpage Updates
~ 2004 ~
- No new pics in the Photo Album yet, but I have tons of new pics for you. The reason is because I'm actually in the process of completely re-designing the Photo Album (putting pics into categories, new layout, etc). Pretty exciting! On a big plus note, the Video Den is back up and running with a better quality version of Chilly Reception and a brand new episode titled Yukon Have It. It's very cute, so check it out!
- By Friday I will have at least 30 new pictures for the Photo Album. Been a while since that's been updated, so I figured it's about time. Don't think that's everything though; I still have many more pics to prep for upload. [11/24/04]
- Finally learned how to get old Ice Wall guests out of limbo and back onto the Ice Wall once again. I put the guests from August of 1997 to March of 1999 on the Ice Wall. 300 down, 2,700 more to go (this is going to take me a while). [10/29/04]
- Redesigned the Ice Wall a bit. Added a gender question, changed the coloring and layout when viewing the Ice Wall, and added a counter to know what guest number you are.
- Added a new clip to the Video Den. It's a clip from the tv show Futurama that has a cameo of Chilly Willy. [10/11/04]
- It's been a while since the Audio Cave's been updated, so I redesigned it a bit and added two new songs. One is the song played during the episode Chiller Dillers and the other is the Opening Credits song played at the beginning of every Chily Willy episode. Enjoy!
- Added a new video clip to the Video Den titled Sled Friends. Very cute. Enjoy!
- Added a new episode to the Video Den titled It's a Chilly Christmas. Now the Video Den officially has over 50 episodes available for download! Enjoy!
- Added 2 new episodes to the Video Den titled Gooney is Born and Chilly Reception. That brings the episode count to an even 50! Enjoy! Also, I secured myself a copy of It's a Chilly Christmas so expect to see that soon.
- Added a new episode to the Video Den titled Vicious Viking. Enjoy!
- Uploaded a much better video quality version of an episode titled Rude Intruder. [9/7/04]
- Uploaded a new episode to the Video Den titled Chilly's Hide-A-Way. There are now 46 full episodes available for download in the Video Den. Enjoy!
- Uploaded a new episode to the Video Den titled Chilly Dog. Enjoy!
- Over the years I have gotten dozens of requests for the episode titled Chiller Dillers, which is usually refrerred to as "the one where Maxie and Chilly sing a song together." Well, now it's finally available for download in the Video Den. Enjoy!
- After having to close the Video Den for a week to conserve bandwidth, the Video Den is back up again and bigger and better than it ever was. The Video Den now has 5 new episodes in it, with 6 more coming very soon. Also, 5 of the older episodes have been replaced with better quality versions, and this will happen to 5 more additional older episodes. I've also upgraded the bandwidth limit for the site from 25 gigabytes/month to 40 gigabytes/month so now hopefully parts of the site won't have to be closed down at the end of the month.
- Added an updated version to the Video Den of everybody's favorite Chilly Willy episode, Half-Baked Alaska. The video quality is much better. [8/25/04]
- HUGE thanks goes out to Rob H. for our episode trade. He has given me 11 new Chilly Willy episodes!!! Thanks to Rob I also now have 11 good quality versions of episodes that I already owned, allowing me to now replace the lesser quality versions or splice together video and audio segments to give you the best quality episodes possible. This process is going to take quite some time, so be patient and check back frequently for new episodes.
- Added a new freebie to the CW Freebies section: A free screensaver with 462 pictures of Chilly Willy. Enjoy!
- Uploaded a much better quality version of Hot & Cold Penguin in the Video Den. Enjoy!
- A new episode titled Mackerel Moocher is available for download in the Video Den. Enjoy!
- I will be talking to Rob today (a fellow Chilly Willy fan) to secure access to 9 additional episodes I'm missing. That's huge!

On a side note: I love that this Chilly Willy site is so popular, but it comes at a price. I have a bandwidth limit of 25 gigabytes max per month. July is now half over and 12.6 gigs have been used so far, which puts me above average. That means I may have to take down the Video Den for a day or two towards the end of the month until August 1st.
Lastly, I'm nearly done improving the video quality of all existing episodes in the Video Den. Only 8 episodes left to go out of 44. [7/16/04]
- Added 4 new videos to the Video Den: the new Woody Woodpecker opening, a clip from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and two Bugs Bunny episodes starring a little penguin that many people confuse for Chilly Willy. [7/11/04]
- The last three days or so I've been updating the existing episodes in the Video Den. That means tweaking their video quality (cropping, temporal smoothing, deinterlacing, changing brightness, etc.) to give you a better quality video. I've also been doing it to remove all traces of the old website and have everything point to the new website ( This is a big project since there's 39 videos available and will take me much more time to complete. 17 down, 22 more to go. [7/6/04]
- Two new episodes in the Video Den titled Gooney's Goofy Landings and The Chilly Show. Enjoy!
- Five new episodes in the Video Den titled Chilly & the Woodchopper, Armed Chilly, Chilly & the Fur-Brearing Trout, Electric Chilly, and Mexican Chilly. 6 new episodes in 2 days! I guess I'm back to spoiling you people again.
- New episode in the Video Den titled Room & Wrath. Enjoy! Several new videos are in the works and will be available soon as well.
- Due to Geocities' inability to downgrade an account from a paid status to a free status, I'm left with two choices:
- Keep paying every month for this site which I'm not updating anymore, or...
- Close this site.
Well, I will keep this site up for another 2 months because I've worked hard to get it listed high in a google search, but after that, after 8 years of being hosted by Geocities, their poor customer service policies are forcing me to shut this site down. Fear not though, for all of your Chilly Willy needs can be met at the new site.
- In the process of removing existing Chilly Willy content and moving it to the new site. [4/26/04]
- It's official. This website is now on the move to its new location:
I'll be focusing on the new site so this site will not be receiving the latest Chilly Willy content. Eventually I will even shut it down. So, visit the new site and see all the great new Chilly Willy material. [/4/25/04]
- Two HUGE bits of info to tell you:
- Acquired 3 new episodes (Little Tellevillain, Robinson Gruesome, and St. Moritz Blitz). They should be ready for you to download late Saturday [4/25/04] in the Video Den.
- We're finally moving!!! It's not up and running yet, but pack your bags because very soon you can find Chilly at...
- Acquired a new comic for the Comic Library. Will work on that and the previous comic over the next month. In May I'll start cleaning house and completing some of the older updates to the site such as the Drawing Board section, 100+ more pics to upload to the Photo Album, and an episode or two I still have to encode and then upload to the Video Den. [3/14/04]
- A brand new episode titled Hold Thant Rock has been uploaded to the Video Den. It has been officially removed from the list of the few episodes I still do not possess. Yea! Enjoy.
- Uploaded the newest comics, but haven't written the coding yet to display them in the Comic Library. More to come later today. [1/26/04]
- First update of 2004! I'm in the process of scanning in a new Chilly Willy comic book, which will be uploaded in a week tops. Also designing a navigation system for the Comic Library.