Chilly Willy's
Webpage Updates
~ 2003 ~
- Not a real update per se, but I just wanted to inform all of you that a new section is coming to the site: Chilly's Drawing Board! There you will learn how to draw Chilly Willy step-by-step with lots of nice professional illustrations to use as guides.
- This is the one many of you have been waiting for: I have finally uploaded Half-Baked Alaska to the Video Den. Enjoy!
- With the much appreciated server space provided by Mark ~ [], Chilly Willy cartoons are now available for download. I will upload as time permits.
- After several weeks, the server for the videos is finally back online. Yea! Lately I haven't been doing as much work on the website as I like, but I've been busy planning my wedding (Oct 18, 2003) and trying to get a job in this horrible economy (not a good combination of two major life events). Wish me luck & I'll try to get more vids and pics uploaded for you.
- While not a total solution, it is a step in the right direction: I've established an easy way of determining if videos are able to be downloaded at any point in time by setting up an indicator as to whether the server is up and running or not. [3/2/03]
- Priority number one is getting the videos to be consistently up and running. After that, I'm experimenting with the Sorenson codec (in place of divx, which I'm not entirely satisfied with) for the latest 9 videos I will be posting for you downloading pleasure. Those two things will be worked on this weekend, time permitting. After that, I'm planning to post the 150-200 pics I have been procrastinating on. Between work, life, & wedding plans, I have so much good Chilly Willy stuff to share with you and not enough time to handle it. Such a dilemma
- Sometimes I'm just too good! I haven't even finished creating descriptions for the newest episodes in the Video Den and now I have acquired an additional 9 more new episodes. It will take me approximately 4-6 weeks to digitize and encode the newest episodes. After that, happy downloading & enjoy. [2/9/03)
- Added links for 20 new video files to download in the Video Den! A description for each one will be next. I'm also in the processing of securing at least 12 additional eps for your downloading pleasure. Enjoy!
- New navigation system is up and running. Big change for the site, so give me a short while to work out all of the bugs (none detected thus far) and tweak it for speedy loading.
Have an opinion on the new navigation system? Like or dislike it? Have a suggestion for improvement? Then please send me an email or sign the Ice Wall with your comments. Thanks.
- First update of the new year! Within the next couple of days I'll have a brand new, very cool navigation system up for you. After that, I'll work on updating currently owned vids, creating links for newly acquired vids, and securing even more vids for your downloading pleasure.