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Webpage Updates

~ 2002 ~

  • Not much time to write a formal update, but just wanted to let you all know that I'm working on securing a copy of 12 more Chilly eps, which I will then provide for your downloading pleasure. Yea! [12/20/02]

  • I finally finished uploading all pics for the new videos. Work's been keeping me too busy, but the 20 new videos are close to being available for download. That's priority number one: providing all of you great Chilly fans with more content. After the videos though, I've got so much more still planned. At least 50+ new pics to upload and a redesign of the navigation system for the website. The new look is fully planned out in my head; just need to implement it. It'll look very sweet, load quickly, and make your experience with the site even easier and more enjoyable. Check back every so often, because as you can see, new content is always coming in for you, the faithful fans of Chilly Willy. [12/15/02]

  • Got my hands on an excellent quality copy of Legend of Rockabye Point. I've encoded it already, so it'll be uploaded with all of the other videos soon enough. [11/28/02]

  • Added pics for each of the new eps in the Video Den. Also, in looking at the Audio Cave, I like the new background, but the font needs some work, so that'll be next.

  • Touched up the Audio Cave a bit (a new background I created from the old one, new text colors, etc.) [11/19/02]

  • Video Den is mostly set up. The new videos will be available for download very soon now... [11/18/02]

  • I've finished digitizing all videos. Just have one last one to edit and encode with codecs. Next I'll burn all of them to disc, then mail them to my bud John Holmes Jr. so he can upload them to the server. After that I will write short descriptions of all the new videos, get the code together to display the uploaded videos, and then after all of that you can finally start downloading the many new episodes available. Almost there...
    After this project is completed I'll get back to work on the 150 or so new pics I still need to edit and upload. [11/14/02]

  • Redesigned the Video Den a bit. Looks good! Every episode there that doesn't have a link to it I have already encoded and just have to upload at this point. Yea, WOW! I've been busy. You're welcome. I'm waiting to upload them because I have even more episodes left to encode still that aren't listed there. Should be fully up and running soon though. [11/10/02]

  • Lots of news to add: I've been extremely busy due to my recent engagement [Thank you ] and as such have had little time to update the website. I still have sooo much planned here though. LOTS of pictures to upload still. Also, I have a new complete cartoon video to upload titled Swiss Miss-Fit. Also, believe it or not, I will very soon have seventeen (17) new videos available for you to download!!! Can you believe it? I know, neither can I, but it's true. In fact, they are all the very cool old-school style Chilly Willy videos. 17 new videos are on the way, so hold your breath [10/16/02]

  • Got the three news videos uploaded and linked up to the server. Download & enjoy Chilly Willy cartoons in the Video Den! [8/13/02]

  • Added a few new items to the Merchandise page. There's some fun Chilly items being sold exclusively through your local Walgreens. Check it out! [8/6/02]

  • I'm working on a new navigation system. Very nice! I also have 3 new video files to upload and a new audio file. The video files are two new cartoons to download and the scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit that mentions Chilly Willy. They should be available for download within a week or so. [8/3/02]

  • I've digitized a new Chilly Willy episode. It's one of the old-school classics titled I'm Cold and is directed by Tex Avery. It will be available for download as soon as I can upload it to John Holmes Jr.'s server, a fellow Chilly fan to whom we all owe a great thanks for his free hosting of the Chilly episodes. [7/13/02]

  • Sorry, no real update to speak of, other than to give you a little something to look forward to. Part of those 60 or so new pics I spoke of will be up and running w/in the next day or so and by the end of the upcoming weekend they'll all be available for viewing.

    I also am looking into either a SCSI card, USB transfer device, or video card to digitize more Chilly Willy episodes for your downloading and viewing pleasure. My research shouldn't take more than a week tops [7/9/02]

  • Added a nicely themed picture of Chilly as a Hockey Goalie to the Hockey Rink page. Also I've been doing lots of offline work prepping for a whole slew of new pics I will be uploading soon. Should be at least a new gallery or two (30 to 60 new pics ).
  • On a side note, today's my Birthday! I'm officially 26, but I still watch Cartoon Network everyday and feel young, so again I'm reminded that age is all relative to your perspective on life [7/1/02]

  • All Thumbnail Galleries have now been converted to CSS formatting and the raw html coding consequently has been greatly reduced, leaving load time to focus purely on the pictures. To sum up, the picture pages will load significantly faster now! [6/19/02]

  • Finished updating Thumbnail Galleries #1 - 10 to Cascading Style Sheets. This will vastly improve load time. The first Gallery will take as long to load as it always has, but every gallery after that should load much quicker [6/17/02]

  • Added two new pages: one dedicated solely to CW merchandise and another to document all the episodes Chilly was in (the Episode Guide is still under development though). I'm also in the process of going through the whole site and updating all of the page formatting to Cascading Style Sheets. [6/15/02]

  • Added Ice Fishing, Snow Igloo, Snowball Fight, Rude Intruder, and the 1958 Cover to the Comic Library [5/26/02]

  • Added Armchair Detective, Chilly's Saxophone, and Blizzard Survival to the Comic Library [5/25/02]

  • Added Sled Trouble and Fish Thief to the Comic Library [5/10/02]

  • Added Mystery Catch, Troublesome Twosome, & Rescue Revenge to the Comic Library [4/28/02]

  • Added Pirate Panic, Thin Ice, & Bite-Size Boat to the Comic Library [4/25/02]

  • Added the Kite-Flying Contest comic to the Comic Library [4/24/02]

  • Huge changes! I redesigned the means of navigating through the site to be both less confusing and more consistent. I also added a whole new section to the site: Chilly's Comic Library! Here you can find scanned pictures of Chilly Willy comic books. I have several comics up there now and have more that just need to be scanned for you. The comics are a little different from the cartoon series, but just as cute [4/23/02]

  • I went ahead and upgraded the website. There's no longer any advertising () and hopefully the data transfer problem is no more. The upgrade also gives me more storage space to upload more good stuff for all of you Chilly fans. Also, I'm currently working on Thumbnail Gallery #14. Should be up and running in a week or so (if work doesn't keep me too busy, that is). I'm also working on a page that will cover every Chilly cartoon with a short synopsis of each one. I also have another Winamp skin in the works as well as thoughts on some Flash animation for the site. [4/7/02]

  • After much frustration over the horrendous service provided by Yahoo Briefcase, salvation has come in the form of a fellow Chilly Willy fan. John Holmes Jr. is now hosting the Chilly videos and they are fully up and running. So go, download, and enjoy Chilly Willy! [1/4/02]

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