I have wanted downloadable episodes of Chilly Willy for this website since the very beginning (6 years ago). Well, today that dream has finally become a reality. Visit the Video Den to download 4 episodes of Chilly Willy. Enjoy! By the way, if you like the episodes or have any comments for me about them, by all means drop me a line via email. [8/23/01]
A bunch of minor changes accomplished such as new backgrounds for the Lantz and Daws pages, etc. [8/20/01]
So many things in the works for you Chilly fans out there. I've got tons of new pics to put up on the site. I'm still compressing the file sizes of all the pics while maintaining high quality. Best of all though, within the next couple of days I will have 4 Chilly Willy episodes available for you to download and enjoy! [8/16/01]
I'm currently compressing all of the pics in the Photo Album to reduce their file sizes. Galleries 1 & 2 are completed thus far with an average file size reduction of 56%, while still maintaining their quality. This means the pics still look good, but load much faster for you and save me disk space to upload even more Chilly material to the site. [7/19/01]
Changed the photos in my "Personal Pictures" section. Hope you like. [7/17/01]
Thumbnail Galleries 1 - 11 in the Photo Album are now completed. [7/8/01]
Wow! Lots of good stuff happening here. I put up a Cursor & Icon Gift Pack on the Freebies page. I also put up an audio scene in the Audio Cave from the movie Hot Shots! where Charlie Sheen says "Chilly Willy." I still have lots more in the works such as another new audio scene, new pics for the Photo Album, and two brand new themed pages so check back periodically. [5/24/01]